Craft Chew

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Pour Me Another: Tin Roof Parade Ground Coffee Porter

This weekend, we're pouring up the Parade Ground Coffee Porter from Tin Roof Brewing in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This seasonal beer is a roasty-toasty porter, brewed with coffee from Garden District Coffee. The brew is mild in strength, weighing in at 5.5% ABV.  Here's what Tin Roof says about the beer..."Italian/Espresso Roast Coffee from Garden District Coffee in Baton Rouge gives this porter a well-balanced coffee and mocha flavor with hints of chocolate." And we'd have to agree! The porter drinks smooth, with a nice coffee flavor. 

The Specs:

5.5% ABV

MALTS: Pale, Munich, Pale Chocolate, Carafa Special II

HOPS: Magnum, East Kent Goldings

As soon as you start to pour this into a glass, you notice the coffee aroma. The brew is ultra dark and had a smooth pour, with a low, creamy head that didn't stick around too long. Though this is a dark style beer, it had a lighter, almost effervescent mouth feel to me. For some reason, I always expect Porters and Stouts to have a creamy thickness to them, which I just haven't found to be true so far.  Maybe it's the ultra dark color, maybe it's just me...but it always surprises me when I drink one.

Much like the Urban South Cá Phê Coffee Stout that we tried a couple weeks ago, coffee is king with this Parade Ground Coffee Porter. While you get smell of coffee right away, it's not overwhelming and was a component that I really enjoyed. Since these ultra dark beers aren't my usual go-to style, having that familiar coffee taste makes this style a comforting beer that's easy to sip on. The Porter had a slightly sweet flavor with subtle hints of chocolate and a nice roasted finish. 

Overall, this Tin Roof Parade Ground Coffee Porter was a slightly full-bodied, dark malted beer that wasn't overly heavy. The coffee flavor was a really nice touch and was my favorite component to this beer. This Porter had a smooth, slightly bubbly pour and was really easy to sip on. Go check out this Baton Rouge Brewery and give this well-balanced seasonal a try!