Craft Chew

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Summertime Grilled Shrimp Salad

In the summertime heat, cool salads are clutch and this tasty Grilled Shrimp Salad is no exception. Flavorful, marinated grilled shrimp get tossed with crunchy cucumber, celery and a cool greek yogurt dressing loaded with fresh dill & tangy lemon juice.  

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Start with one pound of fresh, uncooked shrimp. If you're buying them with the shells & head on, go for 2 pounds. After the shrimp are peeled, I like to butterfly (make a thin slice down the middle of the shrimp) and devein (removing the squishy brown digestive tract). It's an optional step, but I feel like it gives them a cleaner taste and a nice texture. Rinse in a colander and pat dry with a paper towel. 

(*Stink-saving tip* - Keep those shrimp shells wrapped & bagged up in the freezer until trash day to keep your garbage area from smelling like shrimp juice! Not the most inviting smell, especially when the summer sun is heating up the cans!)

In a non-porous bowl, like metal or glass, toss the shrimp with a quick marinade of grapeseed (or olive) oil, salt, pepper, paprika, parsley & lemon juice. Cover & marinate in the fridge while you make the greek yogurt dressing. 

This light dressing is healthy & full of flavor. A mix of plain greek yogurt, chopped fresh dill, parsley & green onion, more lemon juice & grapeseed oil, salt, pepper, paprika and a couple dashes of ground or crushed red pepper for a subtle spice! Stir all of the ingredients together and let it cool in the refrigerator. 

Skewer the shrimp with metal or bamboo skewers. If you're using bamboo skewers, be sure to let them soak in water for at least half an hour before skewering to keep your kabobs from basically bursting into flames on the grill! Double skewering (like the picture down below!) will give you a little more control & keep your shrimp from slipping and sliding on the grill.

Grill at around 400° for about 3 minutes per side or until they are pink and opaque. Right off the grill, the metal skewers are HOT, so give them a few minutes to cool off before sliding the shrimp off. 

While those skewers are cooling, peel & chop the cucumbers and celery. You can chop 'em, slice 'em or dice 'em to whatever size you prefer! I like to cut them into roughly bite sized pieces.

Give the shrimp a rough chop into smaller bite sized pieces and combine with cucumbers, celery and the greek yogurt dressing. Gently toss until everything is coated in that delicious dilly dressing! 

At this point, you can dive right in, but I always like to pop it in the refrigerator for a few minutes, just to give all of the flavors a chance to come together. 

This shrimp salad tastes great on its own, but for a more filling meal, serve a couple scoops over a bed of lettuce (romaine or butter lettuce are my favs) and some sliced avocado!  

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